
Title: PROTEUS live demonstration

Duration: 30 minutes


Webinar content

The content of this webinar will be:

  • What is a mode of the light?
  • How does the Multi-Plane Light Conversion technology work as a space division multiplexer?
  • Live demonstration and visualization of free space modes at the output of a PROTEUS component.
  • Presentation of the proteus product line.
  • Use Case: Nokia Bell labs : Integration of Proteus systems in a direct detection telecom configuration




Tangi Le Guennic

Project & Product manager at Cailabs


Tangi Le Guennic, who holds Master’s degrees in materials science and optics, is a project and product manager at Cailabs.

Tangi has a strong experience in R&D in developing optical sensors for aircraft systems as well as in industrial vision project management. At Cailabs, he works on the development and commercialization of innovative optical solutions for custom applications (defense, aeronautics, automotive, biomedical...).

Webinar replay

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